Men's Programs

Your Personal Wingman!

6-week INTENSIVE 1-on-1 Coaching

If you’re ready to stop wasting time on bad dates and finally meet the kind of women you really want, my new one-on-one coaching program is exactly what you need. We’ll work on everything from mastering online dating to flirting, building confidence, approaching women in real life, and even finding the right girlfriend. Spots are limited, so click the link below, book a free call today, and let’s see how we can help you get the results you’ve been looking for!

Book a FREE Discovery Call to see if this is the right fit for you!

Instant Confidence Formula - The "Coffeeshop Approach"
(It works!)

In less than 10 seconds, overcome fear of rejection and crippling anxiety and have the bold confidence to talk to any woman, anywhere.

A simple, effective technique that works for even super shy guys and introverts.


Double Your Online Dating Training

Whether you're really shy or really introverted, the easiest and most efficient place to meet women is online.

After all, women are online to meet men, including men like you!

Double Your Online Dating Training gives you the best tips on how to attract the right girl on a dating site!

Most importantly, it shows you how 99% of guys are screwing up before they (you?) even have a chance!

Stand out in a good way - get the girl of your dreams online!


Get a Girlfriend - WakeUp2Luv

(Self-directed video program with program support)

If you want to be the most attractive man to your dream girl, then this program is for you. 

This is a comprehensive course and takes most guys 5-6 weeks to complete it. But they get better dates and often get a girlfriend within months of completing the course!

You'll have the advantage of knowing what your dream girl wants, develop sexy confidence so you'll be able to comfortably and casually start conversations with that kind of girl, get phone numbers and dates, and become ultra selective.

With the Get a Girlfriend step-by-step plan you'll become that elusive guy your dream girl is longing for.

With this in-depth online course you will have the skills and tools to find, attract and keep the woman of your dreams!

$397 USD ONLY $97 USD! For a limited time!

Couples’ Troubles?

Struggling in your relationship? My Certified Relationship Coach can help you uncover blind spots and rebuild a happy, healthy connection—solo or with your partner.

Professional Therapy

Facing debilitating self-esteem issues, depression, or unresolved trauma? Therapy might be the best step to reclaim your life.

Get Your Testosterone Checked

Feeling unmotivated, tired, or lacking drive? Low testosterone might be the issue. Get checked from the comfort of your own home!