Attention Frustrated Daters!...
Let Me Be Your ”Dating Double Agent” and I’ll Reveal How YOU Can Stop Being Mr Nice and Start Being Her Mr Right
Even If You’re a Below Average Looking Guy… Who Has Little… If Any… Experience with Women
Warning!... This Information Is for Good Guys Only!
I definitely feel something shifted inside me, I feel greater confidence and I can see and feel that I am attracting more attention from the opposite sex.
Just wanted you to know that soon after finishing your program last year I found a wonderful woman. We got engaged in December and are getting married this May. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I’m sick of seeing kind, good-hearted men fail at the dating game.
You attract the wrong kind of women.
You get walked all over.
And you miss out on having relationships with the women of your dreams.
Meanwhile other men... who aren’t worthy to polish your shoes… are getting all the action.
It’s not fair.
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Someone needs to help the good guys out
This is why I’m going to give you the insider secrets on:
Before I tell you how, let me ask you something.
Fellas, are you...
Confused by women? Low on confidence or unsure of yourself? Too nice? Shy with a capital "This Sucks?" Or simply don't know where to find a decent woman who's not totally crazy?
You’re not alone, guys. These days, with the whole “women’s lib” movement, trying to understand women can be a total mind-fuck.
But there’s hope!
Ever asked yourself…
The key to finding, attracting and keeping your right gal isn’t simply about knowledge—it’s about using that knowledge and taking action that works to achieve your love goals.
You can avoid that gut wrenching frustration of rejection (or relationships with nasty-ass girls doomed to end badly) and find your soulmate, the woman who’ll make you feel like her superhero; all by doing certain things. And when you learn these things, life will start to get way easier!
I've studied the psychology of men and women and relationships for over 20 years under the masters of relationship coaching and through my own personal practice and, yep, failed practice relationships.
I also used to be clinically shy and insecure and I taught myself how to get over that in a big way, baby! #truestory
And now I’m going to help you re-write your love life so you have the skills to find, attract and keep lasting love.
Are you ready?
It’s Time for the Good Guys to Start Having Some Fun
Meet Your Trusted Wingmam, Anna Jorgensen…
Anna Jorgensen is author of the (critically acclaimed) memoir Me: A Rewrite. From Vanity Insanity to Self-Acceptance (Sort of.)
"Bold, shocking, hilarious!" ~ Kirkus Reviews
As a child, Anna was sheltered and abused (see memoir). As a result, she became a shy, insecure misfit with self-esteem so low you could step on it. In her teenage and young adult years, she was rejected by guys. A lot. That sucked.
So, Anna decided to study men. Obsessively.
She learned what the heart of men need and got good at "getting" guys and even got married. Woohoo! But later got divorced. *sad face*
Nonetheless, Anna never got rejected or dumped again. Why? Because she figure y'all out!
After a few failed practice relationships, she tested her "get the guy" skills by going for king of bad boys Steve Santagati, a NYT best-selling author of the MANual, How Men Think, Date and Mate and How You Can Come Out on Top. A guy who said he'd never settle down!
But, guess what? She learned that “getting” the bad boy isn’t necessarily the prize she thought it (he) would be and realized that the common denominator in her failed relationships was ... her!
She went back to studying, but this time she studied herself. In the process, she learned how to "fix her picker" and discovered what true love is and how to get it.
Why you care? Anna coaches men just like you on how to understand women and how to become your most attractive, sexy self so you can find, attract and keep your dream woman ... The one you actually want to settle down with because you won't be settling.
Steve F.
You gave me some good advice years ago that helped with my perspective on dating. Since then I've had healthier relationships and am now getting engaged to be married in December. Just wanted to say thanks
How to Get (and Keep) the Girlfriend of Your Dreams
WakeUP2Luv will help you “get” women by understanding what women need and how you can show them that you have what they need.
WakeUP2Luv - Get a Girlfriend
Hey, Sexy (yes, you!),
After years of studying men and women, I've discovered something…
Most men don’t know where to go for love advice so they usually casually mention their love woes to their single guy friends. But here’s the thing — your single guy friends are, um … single ... and um... guys!
They’re simply not going to be able to tell you what women want or what women are thinking. Reality land, gents: Women think way differently than you do. Duh, right?
Listen, if you want to find, attract, and keep your special sweetheart — the kind of woman you want to hang on to tight — then you gotta understand what women truly want and you gotta be able to deliver on that.
So far what you think you know about women and what women are really about doesn’t match up. How do I know this? You’re single. You’re here. (And … you’re normal!)
But … Good news! If you want to get unstuck and unsingle, there’s hope. When you learn what women want and you’re the one stud-muffin able to give it to her, you’ll be miles ahead of all those guys that haven’t got a clue. And then your life will change.
You'll know how to be the kind of guy that your perfect-for-you gal totally desires. And! You’ll have the confidence to go out in the world, find her and prove it to her.
And guess what? Once you learn how to do this, you’ll always know how to keep that special gal loving you and lusting for you.
So, if you want to find that one special woman that you can seriously see spending the rest of your days — and hot, steamy nights — with, then you’re going to have to learn a few things.
Because nothing changes if you don't.
That's what WakeUP2Luv - Get A Girlfriend is about — getting inside the hearts and minds of women and practicing the skills and strategies with tools that attract.
This exclusive program is the culmination of over 20 years of research and personal practice. It’s a simple, easy-to-learn format of follow-along videos with step-by-step actionable homework so you can become the man of her dreams and win her heart.
And the bonus is that you’ll finally understand why women do all those seemingly crazy, confusing things women do!
If you can't fly, then run,
If you can't run, then walk,
If you can't walk, then crawl,
but whatever you do,
you have to keep moving forward.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Here’s a Sample of What YOU Will Discover in WakeUP2LUV
The 5 specific must-have qualities you need to find the woman you really want, and why not knowing or not having these 5 things will keep you from attracting lasting love.
What you need to change to become attractive to the kind of woman you want while still being the real you.
What women innately find attractive in men and how you can be that guy while automatically improving your own self-respect.
The ONE WORD that describes what women NEED to commit to you. Most men don't know what this is! When you provide "this" for her you'll naturally activate her desire for you.
The major differences between men and women, which explains why you think women sometimes get "crazy."
Why women judge you immediately (or sooner), and what you can do to impress her before you even meet her.
How to build confidence in "these" specific areas of your life, and why doing so is critical for her to respect and trust you.
How to change belief systems that suck and hold you back from love, no matter what shitty things have happened to you in your life.
The simple, step-by-step actions that you can take today to become the man of her dreams.
And Much More...
How WakeUp2Luv Works
WakeUP2Luv is a result of thousands of 1,000s of hours of studying love, going to therapy, relationship seminars, workshops, and “self-help” courses.
It’s made up of 4 modules in which you’ll discover how to be the type of guy your ideal woman finds attractive.
When you register for WakeUP2Luv, you get instant access to the entire online program in both video and PDF format.
Immediately after signing up, you’ll get an email with your private login instructions to access the entire WakeUP2Luv course.
You may think you have to be a bad boy. However, this is a mistake. Bad boys attract needy, high maintenance chicks.
You want to be a confident, good guy who has some bad boy qualities. This way you get the girl… and drive them wild in the process.
Module 1: Stop Picking Fixer-Uppers!
The right person won’t love you unless you love yourself.
If you’re like most guys these days, you’re too hard on yourself and sell yourself too short.
This is why the first thing we have to change is how you see yourself. You need to realize how much you have to offer a woman, and start building yourself up.
When you transform your self-perception, you’ll act differently. And women will take notice.
Then you can find a girl who’ll be your best friend and who you can enjoy intimate sex with.
It starts by looking within. This is why in this module we go deep.
You’ll answer some discovery questions to uncover what you’re looking for and what’s preventing you from already getting it.
Then you can become the kind of person you feel proud of and this will make you attract the right mate.
You’ll discover:
This session will lay the foundation to turn you into the type of person your ideal partner wants.
Wait 5 to 7 days before starting the next session. This allows your brain to integrate the new info.
Module 2: Who are you? Where do you suck? Let’s fix that.
Do you always go for the wrong type of women?
Most guys are clueless about choosing the right type of girl for them. As soon as they meet a woman who shows some interest, they’re sold.
They get into relationships with narcissistic women who mess them around.
This is why it’s so important you know what you do and don’t want. Unless you know what you want you can’t get it. Yet what we think we want and what we really want are often different.
When you figure out what type of woman you want, you’ll know what kind of man attracts her. However, to get what you want, you also have to become the kind of person who attracts that.
I’ll show you the specific steps you need to take to be the person your ideal partner wants so you can attract her.
You’ll discover:
Module 3: Understand Women and “Get” the Girl!
Most men don’t have a clue what women want.
It’s not your fault. Chicks are confusing. They say they want one thing, yet they really want another, and society doesn’t teach you what to do.
Nonetheless, if you want the girl, you gotta become what the girl wants.
This is why I’m going to show you exactly what women desire and how you can give it to them.
You’ll discover:
Module 4: Your Life Sucks. Let’s Fix it!
Women are always looking for weaknesses in you.
They find it incredibly sexy when they meet men who are whole, complete and fulfilled in themselves and their lives.
It automatically makes you more interesting, intriguing and attractive to them, which allows them to fall in love with you.
However, if important areas of your life are broken, then you won’t be able to attract high quality women.
This is why I’m going to show you how to fix your weaknesses and become the whole package women are looking for.
You’ll discover:
The program is really good! I've learned a lot about why my relationships have not been working out.
Thank You, I'm 64 years old widower who's been searching for Mrs. Right for four years. Your program is wonderful! I have two employees and one noticed a difference in my interactions with women even in the first week. I thank you so much for the influence you have already helped me with!
Is WakeUp2Luv Right For YOU?
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Then you're ready for my WakeUP2LUV - Get a Girlfriend Video Program! Yay!
If you answered "YES" to any of these questions...
I used to offer one-on-one private coaching sessions for my WakeUP2Luv program for almost $3,000 USD but I want every guy to be able to find true love (and lust), so I condensed the program into an easy to follow video program.
Now you can learn the exact same valuable info and get a bunch of bonuses and get my support all on your own schedule for ...

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Jose Marti
Albert Einstein

100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Really? Yes! This program can change your life if you follow the steps and do the work. So there’s no excuses and there’s no risk! You’re welcome ;)
I stand by my program, because these are the exact steps I took to get over debilitating shyness and severe low self-esteem and get every guy I've wanted — I’m living proof this program works!
When you invest in yourself with this program, you have up to 60 days to go through the entire program — yep, two whole months — and if you’re not 100% thank-you-Anna satisfied within that time, write me and ask for your money back. We’ll remove you from the membership site and give you a complete refund. Easy. Simple. (After 60 days, nope, sorry, refund expires.)
Why would I do this? Because I believe this information will help you break through old patterns and beliefs that have held you back from love for far too long. I want you to fix your shit and find love, because I believe that love is the answer!
The answer to what, Anna? To happiness, joy, life. When there are more happy, joyful, life-living folks, it makes the world a better place.
So, take action on this risk-free program now.
Are you ready to get the woman of your dreams?
Sign up today!
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Just ask yourself what your life will look like in a year, five years — 10! — if you don’t do anything different. Hint: It’s gonna look the same. Sad and lonely and you being older. OK, now what would it be like if you had the woman of your dreams? Better, right? You deserve to find love and be happy.
WakeUP2Luv - Get A Girlfriend can work for anyone no matter your age, race, religion, appearance or relationship history. WakeUP2Luv focuses on the understanding the natural differences between men and women’s needs and how to become super attractive and connect with women effectively.
And guess what? When you understand women, they become way less intimidating.
Or … you could chicken out. Hey, I’m just telling it like it is — that’s why you like me, right? I’m straight-up honest. So, what if you don’t invest in yourself and WakeUP2Luv?
There’s a saying I got in one of the many self-help courses I’ve taken, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”
At this point, you’ve gotten used to being lonely and single, either because you can’t get the gal or you keep getting the wrong gals. Or maybe you're too chicken to even approach women! Dude, that sucks.
So, are you ready to change your fate?
Remember, these insights will serve you forever — yes, even after you get the gal — because you’ll know what she needs so that you can keep the gal and watch your attraction continue to grow and deepen.
When you fully commit to the program you get:
John Wayne
Here's how the WakeUP2Luv - Get A Girlfriend Program Works...
When you register for WakeUP2Luv you get instant access to the entire online program, which includes video modules for the lessons and homework assignments — becoming a master requires more than learning, it also requires practice!
Immediately after signing up you’ll get an email with your private login instructions to access the entire WakeUP2Luv course.
The WakeUP2Luv - Get A Girlfriend Program Includes:
An Introduction Video Plus 4 Video Lesson Modules and 4 Video Homework Modules.
When you sign up — bam, you’re in! — the private members’ area, where you can view the videos at your own pace and as often as you like. I recommend you watch all the videos twice. A quick run-through and then again giving yourself a week between lessons so you can complete and integrate the homework. You’re access privileges expire after five years, or, of course, if you request a refund.
A WakeUP2Luv - Get A Girlfriend Transcripts & Homework Companion Book
Includes the entire WakeUP2Luv program "written transcript & mp3 audio" transcripts for reference, reinforcement and / or if you learn better by reading and a printable companion book for the writing exercises. Yes, homework!
Ready, set, get love? Awesome possum!
Simply click the "BUY NOW" button below, and you’re on your way to instant access of the entire WakeUP2Luv - Get A Girlfriend program.
Start connecting with the kind of women you want today!
The investment for your Risk-Free, WakeUP2Luv program is...
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Less than the cost of a therapy session that doesn't even give instructions on how to fix anything.
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I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
Nelson mandela
Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:
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How much time do I have to invest?
How can I know it is right for me?
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What others are saying about WakeUP2Luv
Steve B.
Thank you for your Wake Up to Love program. I was cynical when I began your course but open to vulnerability after. It was transforming and rewired my brain to believe in love again at a time when I was full of cynicism. Hope springs eternal and the concepts you teach are enduring and life changing. I credit your coaching to my success. Thank you, all the best!
This course would've saved me years of counselling.
I enjoyed how easy it was to listen to the audio. You had me engaged and committed throughout. I like the wholeness of the program i.e. focusing on the whole person, almost like life coaching.
What a great course. You really helped me to find what I was looking for, what I was missing. I would definitely recommend your course and videos to anyone looking for love.
Are you ready? Nothing changes if you don't do this NOW!
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Refund Policy: Up to 60 days — from the date of purchase — you bet! After that, nope, sorry. Accountability gives you a better chance of doing your homework — which gets you closer to love. If you don't find the course useful, email me within 60 days of purchase and we’ll give you a refund. Easy-peasey.